The art of shoemaking in Buenos Aires is born in the centre of Tango-culture, inspired in the daily life with Tango as a form of living. In the last century, grand masters of shoemaking have installed their workshops in the south of Buenos Aires. While creating their shoes, they are inspired by the atmosphere of the „barrio“. They are always bringing a careful detail in every part of the shoe to obtain design and quality comfortable and durable. Our masters are putting their wisdom in every single shoe made by their own hands, so the Milongueros will be able to shine and present themselves on the dancefloors of the world.

After over fifteen intense years of being at their side in search of a particular style, Munay has created a familiar relationship with their shoemakers and can count on their pride on creating this succesful product for Europe. We count with the support and trust of each one of them, from the assistant to the masters themselves.

We are proud to being able to bring the best argentine shoes to Switzerland and different European countries, taking part in Festivals and attending to customers in our Atelier in Basel, and from 2012-2016 also in Zürich, Switzerland. We invite everybody to get to know the true danceshoe for dancing the first to the last Tango!